Quick Start

Installing PTM

First, download the PTM zip file from Sourceforge. PTM is released as a simple .exe, then no installer is needed.

When you extract the files, you'll find the following:

ptm.exe: the executable file.

ptm.mdb: a blank Microsoft Access database.

PTM.Addin.WeekView.dll: this is a ptm addin.

Well instalation is done and we're ready to use it, lets execute the ptm.exe file.

Time tracking

When you execute the ptm.exe, you'll see the following

Tasks log screen

PTM inmediatly starts to log your time, and creates an "Idle" task. To change the current task just rigth click on the Idle activity an choose Edit...

Editing tasks tree

Here you can create and edit the tasks tree.

Editing task properties

Optionally you can edit the task's properties. Here the "active" property indicates if the task is related to your job, this is checked by default.

Every 10 mins., you'll be asked if you're still doing the same task.


If your answer is Yes, a new time track will be added with the same task that you're currently working on.

If your answer is No, a new time track will be added with the default Idle task. You can edit it later.

After a while you'll have something like this:



Keep loging, after a week you'll be surprised, after a month you'll have serius statistics. Take a look at the summary and statistis tabs.

Install the week view addin from the Tools->Add-in Manager... option.

Addin Manager
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